engine repairs & replacement services
“Serviceking Nigeria offers a wide range of engine services that range from engine tune-up to check engine light diagnosis, engine diagnosis, and repairs, and full engine and transmission replacement.”
- Happy Vehicle, Happy You
That knocking sound in your engine is about as welcome as a brightly lit Check Engine alert, but they’re both warning you about possible engine or exhaust problems. A failed emission test could be in your future, or even a sudden stop on the road, so it’s best to tackle your engine trouble before it gets worse.
You may not know a lot about vehicles, but you know that whatever is actually wrong, fixing it isn’t going to be cheap.
You just want to know one thing: How can you get back on the road without breaking the bank?
the repair process
Serviceking Nigeria offers a wide range of engine services that range from engine tune-up to check engine light diagnosis, engine diagnosis, and repairs, and full engine and transmission replacement.
When you come to Serviceking Nigeria for engine service, you’ll get an expert diagnostic check, a thorough explanation of your engine problem, and a written estimate before we make any repairs whatsoever.
Our technicians are well versed in a wide variety of engine repairs, including timing chains, oil pumps, camshafts, valve jobs, Vapor canister filter, Oil change, Oil filter replacement, Ignition wires, Ignition module, Ignition coil pack, Spark Plugs, Fuel pump, Engine sensors and electronic diagnostics, Emissions control system, Distributor cap and rotor, Crankcase ventilation (PCV) valve, Crankcase vent filter and more. So they sure will be able to recommend an engine repair that’ll take care of your problem while being more in line with your budget.
If your car does require replacing the engine, they can usually offer a number of different options, many of which come with the Serviceking Nigeria warranty. So you can rest assured that we are out to make you and your vehicle happy.
we always give the best Value for Money